This one might WIN the "worst codename" competition as NO ONE IS GOING TO SHOUT THAT IN BATTLE. NO. ONE. I--what? Anyway, Madidus Unda controls and turns into water. I would call him Hydro Lad. But, that's probably taken. Also, he was...hard to make look distinctive. ESPECIALLY because his design is so...general that I had to try and make distinctive features and...yeah. I'm not sure if, were he lined up with them, he would be confused for
Chimera or
The Onion. Hmmmmm.
Anyway, this is ANOTHER eliminated character and THE LAST of the boys. That's right. No more boy OCs after this. Just chicks. Wow! I'm almost done with all of them. *dance*
Madidus Unda's Bio
wait, that was his code name?!