Thursday, March 10, 2011

SADC: Urchin

Finally, finally, FINALLY, this whole business comes to a close with Urchin. She's the last of the spectator characters. She BASICALLY has the ability to become a human pincushion and little quills come out of her freckles. She is also an unbelievable bitch so she's playing the world's smallest violin...just for you. Or she's going to snap her fingers, I'm not sure.

This has been a really interesting experiment. I enjoyed working with everyone's characters and trying to mesh them into my own style. It was pretty hard to come up with 40 different poses. Sometimes the pose idea just JUMPED OUT at me and sometimes it was a REAL struggle. If characters had a STRONG personality, it usually helped. I don't know WHAT I'm drawing after this, but it was interesting...and I'm glad it's over. Yay!

Urchin's Bio

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