Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mar 23rd SADC: Considerations

So, I haven't had a lot of time to really work on and explore drawings in this challenge recently because I've been QUITE busy at my job. My job requires me to draw every day...which makes me wonder if I really need to continue this challenge. The point of the Sketch-a-Day Challenge was to draw EVERY day to improve my skill and keep me in practice. Now that it's my job to draw daily...I wonder if this is necessary.

 You've also noticed that I've repeatedly mentioned this challenge being moved to my tumblr. I am considering moving these sketches to there, but I'm concerned because in the blog I can RETRO-POST, and post on the days that the drawings were DONE on...but not the day I had a chance to upload them. I'm not sure I can do that with tumblr...which may make posts there VERY sporadic...or require me to make sure I not only draw but also POST them daily.  I'm still considering it.

Anyway, here are some drawings.

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