Thursday, March 31, 2011


I did it! A celebratory image for completing the project I've been working on for a month! Yay!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SADC: Monster Man

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.


Monday, March 28, 2011

SADC: Blue Sketch Boys

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

Totally failed Sketch-a-Day Challenge. I missed the 27th COMPLETELY. Not EVEN A DAMN SMILEY FACE. I drew nothing. NOTHING. This was something the very next day. Didn't pencil over it, just a sketch. Two boys. Yay. WHOO! ME FAILING! WHOOOOOO!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

SADC: Late Night Drawing

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

So RIGHT AFTER I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, preparing to fall asleep, I realized I hadn't DRAWN A DAMN THING TODAY. I blearily climbed out of my bed, fumbled to my desk and pumped this out. Yikes. Must try and do these earlier....

Friday, March 25, 2011

SADC: Mischievous Boy

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

He's up to something...I just know it....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SADC: Kitty-Cat

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

Naturally, after the sad drawing YESTERDAY and having NO TIME TODAY...KITTY! :3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SADC: Angel

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

I think I was in a mood. All I knew is that I REALLY wanted to draw a bald angel giving up. I think she has cancer...not the happiest of drawings, I'll admit.

Monday, March 21, 2011

SADC: Kick

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

Another part of the project. She's gonna kick you in da shins. Fo' sho'.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

SADC: Cartoon Cats

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

A piece of a HUGE project I've been working on. Fuuuuunnnnnny.

Friday, March 18, 2011

SADC: The Princess

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

When I am pressed for time and have to do a's usually of some girl. Princess. Mmmyep.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

SADC: Monifa

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

One of my characters in a SOMEWHAT different style. Forgot to include the date when scanning her. OH WELL. It's retro-posted on the day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SADC: Sisters

RETRO-POSTING! I'm doing a lot of retro-posting for March because I DREW on these days...I just didn't have time to post. So...ENJOY THE FLOOD OF DRAWINGS.

Sisters. A TERRIBLE sketch drawn at 11-some-odd-pm in a dark car with my sister. Noooot the best time or lighting for you can see.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SADC: Just Some Girl

Been REAL busy. Haven't been able to make really NICE sketches. Bahhhhh.

Friday, March 11, 2011

SADC: From Behind

Am busy, can't talk about these much. Project I'm working on. Waaaaauuugghhh.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

SADC: Urchin

Finally, finally, FINALLY, this whole business comes to a close with Urchin. She's the last of the spectator characters. She BASICALLY has the ability to become a human pincushion and little quills come out of her freckles. She is also an unbelievable bitch so she's playing the world's smallest violin...just for you. Or she's going to snap her fingers, I'm not sure.

This has been a really interesting experiment. I enjoyed working with everyone's characters and trying to mesh them into my own style. It was pretty hard to come up with 40 different poses. Sometimes the pose idea just JUMPED OUT at me and sometimes it was a REAL struggle. If characters had a STRONG personality, it usually helped. I don't know WHAT I'm drawing after this, but it was interesting...and I'm glad it's over. Yay!

Urchin's Bio

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SADC: Foxy

Foxy's name comes from the fact that she has sharp teeth and claws...I think. So she's a fox? I'm not quite sure. The contestant that entered her entered into the contest TOO LATE, so she has to be content with just working alongside it. ONE MORE LEFT!!!
Foxy's Bio

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

SADC: KarmaKameleon

KarmaKameleon is named that. No really. That's her name. She is a shapeshifter that ALSO can gain the POWERS of anyone she shapeshifts into. She was...incredibly hard to figure out because the artist obscured the character's face most of the time. It was difficult to figure out how to make her look. She is the LAST of the villains. The last two characters in this exercise are side characters or "spectator characters." Both girls too. Whoo.
KarmaKameleon's Bio

Monday, March 7, 2011

SADC: Shriek

Shriek has supersonic screaming. She was fairly easy for my to draw...probably because she looks so much like other characters of mine. One more bad girl left and then the two spectator characters! W00t w00t!

Shriek's Bio

Sunday, March 6, 2011

SADC: Medusa

If you know the legend of Medusa, you can guess what THIS Medusa's ability is. She TEMPORARILY paralyzes anyone who looks her in the eyes. Her hair is not made of snakes though. I think I had a miscalculation when I was FIRST doing these OCs. There were only 24 of the good guys and not 28. So this exercise will end when I've drawn the full 40 and not 44. Oh, ho. I count good.

Medusa's Bio

Saturday, March 5, 2011

SADC: Madidus Unda

This one might WIN the "worst codename" competition as NO ONE IS GOING TO SHOUT THAT IN BATTLE. NO. ONE. I--what? Anyway, Madidus Unda controls and turns into water. I would call him Hydro Lad. But, that's probably taken. Also, he was...hard to make look distinctive. ESPECIALLY because his design is so...general that I had to try and make distinctive features and...yeah. I'm not sure if, were he lined up with them, he would be confused for Chimera or The Onion. Hmmmmm.

Anyway, this is ANOTHER eliminated character and THE LAST of the boys. That's right. No more boy OCs after this. Just chicks. Wow! I'm almost done with all of them. *dance*

Madidus Unda's Bio

Friday, March 4, 2011

SADC: Uhaul

Another one throws their hat into the ring for worst codename! This one is supposed to be funny though, so I think I have to let it slide. Uhaul has a belly button of INFINITE SPACE. Basically, she can store anything and everything into her belly button and carry it around. I like the character's different designs. Big girls need love too! Too bad she's out of the competition.

Uhaul's Bio

Thursday, March 3, 2011

SADC: Name That Style

Soooooo, did not continue the OCs today. Nope. No, I did not. I'm working on another project and am experimenting with other people's styles. Can you name this style? Betcha can.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SADC: Red Scarf

Another competitor for "worst code name in the contest," Red Scarf's abilities have absolutely NOTHING to do with her code name. She has the ability to talk to animals and also has sharp teeth and can see in the dark. "What does that have ANYTHING TO DO with a scarf?" You might ask. Nothing at all. The code name refers to the red handkerchief that she constantly wears on her head.

The name just makes me think of that time of the month.

I like her design in general because she looks like a troll doll. She also isn't very feminine, so it's easy to pick her out from the super glammed girls. Though she it doesn't say ANYTHING about her being a nervous character, she always struck me as I wanted to show off her sharp teeth. There you go.

Red Scarf is an eliminated character. Awww...we're all out of the competitors in the contest. I have five more baddies left (mostly girls) and then BAM! We're doing two spectator characters and we are DONESVILLE, daddy-o. Yesssssss.

Red Scarf's Bio

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

SADC: Gravedigger

Gravedigger has osteokinesis aka power over bones. Mainly the bones of the dead. He's kind of a creepy guy so I gave him a creepy look. He's the last of the villains who are participating. The ones after this will be the ones that have been eliminated. Yeeeep.
Gravedigger's Bio