Monday, February 28, 2011
SADC: Razor Radar
I knew the EXACT pose I wanted for Razor Radar. I wanted him to do this x-block thing. I see the arms as kind of a blade like that, and since his ability is ENERGY BLADES I think that it's appropriate.

Razor Radar's Bio

Sunday, February 27, 2011
SADC: Eden
Eden is...Poison Ivy. In...just about every way. They're both villains, their abilities are the same, and they look the same. So, you know Poison Ivy, you know Eden. I got to try blowing a kiss again, though. OOOooooo.

Eden's Bio

Saturday, February 26, 2011
SADC: Tazer
Tazer is able to temporarily stun people by using an electrical charge in her fingertips. She was a lot easier than the one before. She's kind of doing "jazz hands" because that's where her powers are from. I broke the rules a LOT with Thriller now that I think about it. He's not wearing his bio hat and he's also using his powers. I specifically left their powers out of the drawings. Though, I kind of excuse Thriller's because they're more of a physical mutation. Still. RULE-BREAKIN. Though, they're much smaller rules than the main one of JUST DRAWING DIFFERENT POSES.

Tazer's Bio

Friday, February 25, 2011
SADC: Grey Force
He has invisible force field creating powers. They come from his EYES. I'mmmmm not very happy with this one. Eh.

Grey Force's Bio

Thursday, February 24, 2011
SADC: Thriller
This is Thriller. His eyes can be removed from his head and used as video cameras...FREAKY, RIGHT? Inventive! He also has a physical mutation of covered in dark fur and has some enhanced strength. I bent the rules a little with Thriller. NORMALLY, I draw EXACTLY what they're wearing in their bios. However, the character in the comic entries wears an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT HAT. He doesn't really look like himself WITHOUT that hat. Soooo, erred on the side of character accuracy.
I really like Thriller. The character has a GREAT personality on top of a unique, albeit GROSS, power.

Thriller's Bio
I really like Thriller. The character has a GREAT personality on top of a unique, albeit GROSS, power.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
SADC: Evanesce
This is Evanesce, the final in the parade of brunette females who can turn invisible. This one's a "villain" though. She seems like she's just rejected from society. She's got this skin condition that are like scales. She's one of the only OCs with a physical mutation of some kind. The challenge with her and Imagica was to make them not look like one another. They have about the SAME features and the same lengthed hair...if Evanesce didn't have scales, I'm not sure they'd be so easy to tell apart. What's funny is that they have POLAR OPPOSITE personalities and are roommates in the competition. XD Besides posture, clothing, and personality, I'm not sure if I acheived the make-them-look-different goal.

Evanesce's Bio

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
SADC: Imagica
My first villain--or--villainess. I've started the pattern starting with girls again as...well...there are PAINFULLY more bad girls than bad boys (5 bad boys 9 bad girls). No doubt I'll have to just be drawing chicks at the end. HOW SAD FOR ME.
Anything Imagica draws comes to life. She's really arrogant, which is why I love her character so. Fun chick.

Imagica's Bio
Anything Imagica draws comes to life. She's really arrogant, which is why I love her character so. Fun chick.

Monday, February 21, 2011
SADC: Junk Room
Junk Room, besides having arguably the worst code name in the competition, also has Green Lantern abilities except there's no ring, no lantern recharger, and it's purple. So...like a Purple Lantern without the drawbacks. She can form anything out of purple energy from her hands.
Hooray! THE VERY LAST HERO. Twenty-four heroes, twenty-four poses. I am HAPPY! One little milestone in this exercise. Now, when I do the villains, I'm STILL not allowed to recycle poses from the heroes, even though they're a different team. In the end, there should be forty-four different poses. Only twenty more to go! I guess this means that this will be finished on March 13th. Don't know the next challenge after that. We shall see. :D

Junk Room's Bio
Hooray! THE VERY LAST HERO. Twenty-four heroes, twenty-four poses. I am HAPPY! One little milestone in this exercise. Now, when I do the villains, I'm STILL not allowed to recycle poses from the heroes, even though they're a different team. In the end, there should be forty-four different poses. Only twenty more to go! I guess this means that this will be finished on March 13th. Don't know the next challenge after that. We shall see. :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011
SADC: Lightbreaker
This is the LAST boy on the hero-side of things. YESSSS, I've got one more good girl and then I'm done with them! All right! Meanwhile, this is Lightbreaker. He can project holograms. This can also be used to turn things invisible (invisibility power number 4??). He "views his [powers] as just another hassle." This makes me see him as sort of an apathetic "dude." He's one of those guys I would avoid LIKE THE PLAGUE in high school. The attempt here was to have him scratching his chest in that sort of "so? What's it to you?" kind of manner.
Lightbreaker's got this long face and great lantern jaw...it amuses me. I always try and keep with what I perceive is the character. I can only go off of what the artist has depicted and I try to keep parallel with that. Yay!

Lightbreaker's Bio
Lightbreaker's got this long face and great lantern jaw...it amuses me. I always try and keep with what I perceive is the character. I can only go off of what the artist has depicted and I try to keep parallel with that. Yay!

Saturday, February 19, 2011
SADC: The Black Mage
The Black Mage has the ability to create black fire or lightning from her hands. It was really important to me to make The Black Mage look young. I'm not 100% on this, but I DO believe she's the youngest of the heroes of only 14-years. However, if I were this girl's mother, I WOULD NOT BE LETTING MY 14-YEAR-OLD WEAR THAT, MMKAY?

The Black Mage's Bio

Friday, February 18, 2011
SADC: Faux
Faux harnesses animal abilities. She has heightened agility and sense. She can even understand animals to a degree, she's no Dr. Doolittle though. I enjoyed Faux's design because she's a tomboy in a TRADITIONAL tomboy sense. She's not that OC that's super sexy and hot and just doesn't like girlie things. Faux loves sports, wears her hair in a ponytail, wears the tomboyish clothes, PROBABLY plays a sport...she reminds me of jock-girls I used to go to school with. I also enjoy the really square jaw and the monkey-lips. I'm not sure if the monkey-lips is the style of the artist or if it was a design choice. Either way, I'm a fan of it.
One thing I don't get (as I tend not to get this about a lot of the contestants) is why she's named "Faux." Faux means "fake." Is it because she only has some animalistic abilities when she is not an animal? I have a vague theory that the creator might have thought the word "faux" was pronounced "fox" instead of "foe." :P Not sure. I will ask.

Faux's Bio
One thing I don't get (as I tend not to get this about a lot of the contestants) is why she's named "Faux." Faux means "fake." Is it because she only has some animalistic abilities when she is not an animal? I have a vague theory that the creator might have thought the word "faux" was pronounced "fox" instead of "foe." :P Not sure. I will ask.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
SADC: Chimera
Chimera has the ability to switch cognizance between any two sentient beings, including himself and another. This also includes people and animals. Basically it's like those cartoons where a mad scientist switches the minds of two people and hilarity ensues. Except there's no machine. Just one guy doing it with HIS MIND all willy-nilly. Needless to say, it's quite an ability to have, especially when you're in danger.
How it relates to the name "Chimera" I'm not 100%.
I'm actually rather disappointed with this rendition of Chimera. My main goal was to make sure he didn't end up looking like The Onion. I noticed that when people had both Chimera and The Onion in their comics, the two tended to look the same. I can see why they would look the same, short fair hair of similar cut along with somewhat larger noses...it can be tough. I think I succeeded in making them not look the same, but I felt that Chimera's pose is so...uninspired. I usually thieve an idea or two from the pose in the profile or the follow-up comics, but I had a hard time gleaning something UNIQUE for this pose. So, I went with something painfully generic. I'm worried I'm just becoming stuck on different positions and it's only the 20th one! We shall see...only four more good guys then ONTO THE BADDIES! >D

Chimera's Bio
How it relates to the name "Chimera" I'm not 100%.
I'm actually rather disappointed with this rendition of Chimera. My main goal was to make sure he didn't end up looking like The Onion. I noticed that when people had both Chimera and The Onion in their comics, the two tended to look the same. I can see why they would look the same, short fair hair of similar cut along with somewhat larger noses...it can be tough. I think I succeeded in making them not look the same, but I felt that Chimera's pose is so...uninspired. I usually thieve an idea or two from the pose in the profile or the follow-up comics, but I had a hard time gleaning something UNIQUE for this pose. So, I went with something painfully generic. I'm worried I'm just becoming stuck on different positions and it's only the 20th one! We shall see...only four more good guys then ONTO THE BADDIES! >D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
SADC: El Gato
This guy is El Gato, he is written to be kindofa prankster, so I wanted to give him some sort of dubious pose of SOME kind. Success on that? Noooot quite sure. This is another OC that can change into a cat. Which, personally, I find changing into only one creature not the greatest power. Only because you have shape shifters who can turn into ANYTHING and you're just stuck with becoming a parakeet. PEOPLE ALWAYS KNOW IF YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN YOU'RE THE PARAKEET IN THE ROOM. That's probably just me though.
I realized that it wasn't really fair to post the OCs and NOT post their bios or at LEAST a link to their creators. These aren't MY OCs (I think I've made that [painfully clear) and although it's MY ART the creators should be getting SOME FORM of credit for their characters. So, from now on, I'm going to post a link to the character's bio underneath the image. That way you can see the ORIGINAL image and what I did when I got my grubby little hands on it. I'll also be retroposting the links on the past images. Yays!

El Gato's Bio
I realized that it wasn't really fair to post the OCs and NOT post their bios or at LEAST a link to their creators. These aren't MY OCs (I think I've made that [painfully clear) and although it's MY ART the creators should be getting SOME FORM of credit for their characters. So, from now on, I'm going to post a link to the character's bio underneath the image. That way you can see the ORIGINAL image and what I did when I got my grubby little hands on it. I'll also be retroposting the links on the past images. Yays!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
SADC: Stratocaster
After a Valentine's Day break, it's back to your regularly scheduled OCs! HOORAY! This is Stratocaster, she can create and manipulate sound waves. That's where this "Horton Hears a Who" pose comes from. Sound. You know. Yeah.
I only have about six more from the good guy team and then it's ON TO THE BAD GUYS. >D I think I'm going to finish off the good guy side of things even though it ruins my pattern of two boys, two girls. I can't keep that pattern up for the villains anyway, too many bad GIRLS, not enough bad GUYS. Ah, well.

Stratocaster's Bio
I only have about six more from the good guy team and then it's ON TO THE BAD GUYS. >D I think I'm going to finish off the good guy side of things even though it ruins my pattern of two boys, two girls. I can't keep that pattern up for the villains anyway, too many bad GIRLS, not enough bad GUYS. Ah, well.

Monday, February 14, 2011
SADC: Valentine's Paint
I'mmmm a bit of a sucker for Valentine's Day. I know. It's stupid. I just love the idea of people being silly and romantic. Gag me, right? Yes, perhaps it's a corporate holiday meant to line the wallets of florists and card companies, but I still enjoy the message of showing appreciation for those you love. I chose my favorite couple of my teenage years, Daphne and Ross, again for this Valentine's Day. I also liked the idea of painting one another. For whatever reason, I find it very cute and endearing. Soooo, yeah. Mush. Happy Valentine's Day!
Now excuse me while I watch some horror films....
Now excuse me while I watch some horror films....

Sunday, February 13, 2011
SADC: Reckless Breath
Reckless Breath is probably the oddest name for a hero I have heard in a while. Her abilities are "air mass control." I guess being able to levitate stuff using air and wind and such. I really like her hair, it's so unique. Another one lost in the competition. Ah, well.

Reckless Breath's Bio

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Amp, I realized, has the same powers as Kinetic. Except he can also shoot energy blasts. I did not realize they were the same. He was fun to draw. Adorable. I'm really sad he left the competition so early. :(
This is late because I had to get my oil changed today. That's right. I'm writing down when I got an oil change so I can remember in the future. >___>;

Amp's Bio
This is late because I had to get my oil changed today. That's right. I'm writing down when I got an oil change so I can remember in the future. >___>;

Friday, February 11, 2011
SADC: Shepherd
So, I'm hoping that this pose isn't TOO similar to the last. I considered what I wanted to do for Shepherd's pose and him making horns on his head seemed like a great idea. But, you know, the last one was both hands on either side of the head and now this one's the SAME. Though, the hands and arm position are different. I was satisfied enough that the were different poses. I shouldn't have made one right after the other, but...eh...them's the break.
Shepherd has the ability to transform anyone he touches into a sheep. That's right. A sheep. I was really tickled by this ability and thought it was really fun and unique! We're already passed all the participating OCs, so he's already out of the tournament. Sad. I always draw the OCs in whatever they're wearing in their profile picture and...that was what he was wearing. *shrug*
The character has one brown eye and one blue...as well as a bit of a temper. I like to think he's explaining his powers to someone like, "You'll grow horns, yeah, like rams. Like this. Baaaaa. >______>;;"

Shepherd's Bio
Shepherd has the ability to transform anyone he touches into a sheep. That's right. A sheep. I was really tickled by this ability and thought it was really fun and unique! We're already passed all the participating OCs, so he's already out of the tournament. Sad. I always draw the OCs in whatever they're wearing in their profile picture and...that was what he was wearing. *shrug*
The character has one brown eye and one blue...as well as a bit of a temper. I like to think he's explaining his powers to someone like, "You'll grow horns, yeah, like rams. Like this. Baaaaa. >______>;;"

Thursday, February 10, 2011
SADC: Clockwork + Digital Painting
YET ANOTHER stipulation of my Sketch-a-Day Challenge, as a whole, is working a blueline undersketch before creating the final drawing. This is something I'm just getting used to. I prefer doing my undersketches in blue, it doesn't confuse me so much when I'm cleaning it up. I just wanted to mention that as...I believe these are SLIGHTLY less sketchy than last year.
This time we have Clockwork. A girl who can stop time. She speaks in "internet memes" so everything she says is some sort of reference or another. I decided that the most APPROPRIATE pose for someone like this would be with an internet meme. Thus my first (and hopefully last) drawing of some one caramelldansen. I think it's more of an anime thing and it's a little old...but I still think it counts as a meme and, therefore. Viola.

Clockwork's Bio
Also, at about midnight this past night...morning...I worked on my FIRST EVER digital painting. My best friend's been doing a lot of it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was a reference-less speed painting the took an hour, hour and a half to finish. Here're the results:

Annnnd a closeup on the eyes. Cause they're really the best part:

Ta. Da.
This time we have Clockwork. A girl who can stop time. She speaks in "internet memes" so everything she says is some sort of reference or another. I decided that the most APPROPRIATE pose for someone like this would be with an internet meme. Thus my first (and hopefully last) drawing of some one caramelldansen. I think it's more of an anime thing and it's a little old...but I still think it counts as a meme and, therefore. Viola.

Also, at about midnight this past night...morning...I worked on my FIRST EVER digital painting. My best friend's been doing a lot of it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was a reference-less speed painting the took an hour, hour and a half to finish. Here're the results:

Annnnd a closeup on the eyes. Cause they're really the best part:

Ta. Da.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
SADC: Ghost
ANOTHER of my personal stipulations for this OC-drawing-fest, is that I'm not allowed to use props for the characters to handle to change their position. The only "props" I'm allowed are on-person props like Phantasma's braid, Dynamism's glasses, or Kinetic's black eye. Otherwise, having props would make it too easy. Originally, I was going to give Ghost here a piece of toast to be eating as the character eats a lot. However, I settled instead for her licking her fingers as I think that gives away the same idea.
Ghost is the last of STILL PARTICIPATING OCs and is YET ANOTHER invisibility brunette girl. So, that's THREE folks. Three good guy invisibility-powered, brunette girls. She also has added abilities of changing her density to be able to walk through walls or become so dense that she's immovable. Basically, she's like the bastard child of Kitty Pryde and the Blob. Super easy to draw though.

Ghost's Bio
Ghost is the last of STILL PARTICIPATING OCs and is YET ANOTHER invisibility brunette girl. So, that's THREE folks. Three good guy invisibility-powered, brunette girls. She also has added abilities of changing her density to be able to walk through walls or become so dense that she's immovable. Basically, she's like the bastard child of Kitty Pryde and the Blob. Super easy to draw though.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
SADC: The Onion
From double flipping off to double thumbs up, I think the Onion and Click couldn't be more different. The only thing they have in common is that they're both blond. The Onion basically makes anyone around him burst into tears. His powers increase negative emotions until anyone around him turns into a steaming pile of angst. This contrasts greatly with his upbeat, positive, happy-go-lucky attitude. The juxtaposition is, of course, hilarious. The creator of this character dropped out of the contest last round. Sad. Really.

The Onion's Bio

Monday, February 7, 2011
SADC: Click
Click is, basically, a super contortionist with the ability to dislocate and replace every bone in his body. He also has super flexible tendons and joints and such so his skin doesn't bust open or something. He's not really your typical good guy, so it's interesting to have him on the good guy side of things. Did I mention there were sides to the contest? There are "hero" OCs and "villain" OCs. I've been drawing JUST the heroes for now. I'll let you know when I get to the villains.

Click's Bio

Sunday, February 6, 2011
SADC: Lionheart
Some people watching this blog are aware of the OC Tournament. Well, you may notice that I'm drawing all the OCs who are still in the competition first. That's the pattern...the order doesn't really mean anything. Two boys and two girls. It's going to be difficult because the last two participating characters that I have left to draw are a boy and a girl. So I'll have to draw one of the eliminated OCs with the last boy and then another eliminated OC with the last girl. It's not a problem as I intend to draw ALL 42 characters. Just...wish I could've finished them in neat little sets. >___>
Anyway, Lionheart. She turns into a cat...and a lion...I think. She has nine lives, super-fast healing, and ETERNAL YOUTH. So, glean from that what you will.

Lionheart's Bio
Anyway, Lionheart. She turns into a cat...and a lion...I think. She has nine lives, super-fast healing, and ETERNAL YOUTH. So, glean from that what you will.

Saturday, February 5, 2011
SADC: Phantasma
A second invisibility-powered chick, here's Phantasma! We knew there'd be repeat powers in the competition...but we DIDN'T EXPECT QUITE SO MANY INVISIBILITY GIRLS. You'll see what I mean. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I feel bad for this character as she kinda gets lost in a sea of similarly-powered beings and doesn't have as much personality to stand out on her own. Still, she's made it into the competition till now, so that's saying something.

Phantasma's Bio

Friday, February 4, 2011
SADC: Dynamism
At this point, you may be asking, how many OCs are there?! Well, for this contest, it's a total of 42 and two spectator characters. So 44. Yep. FORTY-FOUR. What number am I on? 8. It'll be interesting to have 44 different poses. I CAN DO IT, GUYS. I SWEAR. Anyway, this is Dynamism. He basically can recharge and drain battery power of electronics. Needless to say in the stone age...he would've been useless. I like the character because he's not your stereotypical awesomely cut superhero. He's this chubby, short, bespectacled kid. It's a nice change of pace and I appreciate the sentiment that not all super-powered people are RIPPED and beautiful. Some of them are just average-looking people. It brings you down to earth. I like it.

Dynamism's Bio

Thursday, February 3, 2011
SADC: Rook
One of the challenges I've decided on for this stretch of the Sketch-a-Day Challenge (that's right...a challenge within a challenge) is to draw every OC in a different position. I cannot REPEAT positions. So, as we go on, I'm going to have to get more and more creative. So, anyway, this is Rook. He's somewhat of a worrywort and a pansy. So I wanted to draw him freaking out. Unfortunately, this means that I cut out two DISTINGUISHING features on him, being his sideburns and the longer hair in the back. BUT WHATEVER. He's flippin' out. He has the ability to regenerate things. Neat-o, complete-o. Don't know why he's called Rook though....

Rook's Bio

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
SADC: Antimatter
If you didn't know these were the codenames of these OCs, you would think that these were going to be some bitchin' journal entries. XD This is Antimatter, she basically dissolves stuff with her hands. Like...rusting them till they disintegrate, really. She's from Texas, has a southern accent and an attitude. There ya go.

Antimatter's Bio

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
SADC: Zero G
Continuing to draw other people's original characters (OCs), I'm trying to do somewhat of a pattern of two girls and two boys. We'll see how that works. Today's OC is a flirtatious gravitational manipulator named Zero G. Her name is...rather self-explanatory. Drawing her hair was actually really fun. I tried to draw her blowing a kiss at first. Wow. FAIL. Soooo that's something I need to work on in the future. See? I learn....

Zero G's Bio

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