Monday, February 21, 2011

SADC: Junk Room

Junk Room, besides having arguably the worst code name in the competition, also has Green Lantern abilities except there's no ring, no lantern recharger, and it's purple. a Purple Lantern without the drawbacks. She can form anything out of purple energy from her hands.

Hooray! THE VERY LAST HERO. Twenty-four heroes, twenty-four poses. I am HAPPY! One little milestone in this exercise. Now, when I do the villains, I'm STILL not allowed to recycle poses from the heroes, even though they're a different team. In the end, there should be forty-four different poses. Only twenty more to go! I guess this means that this will be finished on March 13th. Don't know the next challenge after that. We shall see. :D

Junk Room's Bio

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