Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SADC: El Gato

This guy is El Gato, he is written to be kindofa prankster, so I wanted to give him some sort of dubious pose of SOME kind. Success on that? Noooot quite sure. This is another OC that can change into a cat. Which, personally, I find changing into only one creature not the greatest power. Only because you have shape shifters who can turn into ANYTHING and you're just stuck with becoming a parakeet. PEOPLE ALWAYS KNOW IF YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN YOU'RE THE PARAKEET IN THE ROOM. That's probably just me though.

I realized that it wasn't really fair to post the OCs and NOT post their bios or at LEAST a link to their creators. These aren't MY OCs (I think I've made that [painfully clear) and although it's MY ART the creators should be getting SOME FORM of credit for their characters. So, from now on, I'm going to post a link to the character's bio underneath the image. That way you can see the ORIGINAL image and what I did when I got my grubby little hands on it. I'll also be retroposting the links on the past images. Yays!

El Gato's Bio

1 comment:

  1. lol, I never thought about that everyone knows its you if you can only turn into one animal. and now a part of me really to see "parakeet boy" created. He'd be useful on a team of superheroes.

    Love the facial expression on mr el gato here.
