Friday, February 11, 2011

SADC: Shepherd

So, I'm hoping that this pose isn't TOO similar to the last. I considered what I wanted to do for Shepherd's pose and him making horns on his head seemed like a great idea. But, you know, the last one was both hands on either side of the head and now this one's the SAME. Though, the hands and arm position are different. I was satisfied enough that the were different poses. I shouldn't have made one right after the other,'s the break.

Shepherd has the ability to transform anyone he touches into a sheep. That's right. A sheep. I was really tickled by this ability and thought it was really fun and unique! We're already passed all the participating OCs, so he's already out of the tournament. Sad. I always draw the OCs in whatever they're wearing in their profile picture and...that was what he was wearing. *shrug*

The character has one brown eye and one well as a bit of a temper. I like to think he's explaining his powers to someone like, "You'll grow horns, yeah, like rams. Like this. Baaaaa. >______>;;"

Shepherd's Bio

1 comment:

  1. I judge you and your similar poses :P. no i joke i joke. I absolutely adore his face in this. such a great expression.
