Tuesday, December 25, 2012

SADC: Request! Happy Birthmas?

Stephanie requested I do a picture of this Birthday/Christmas celebration. Needless to say, it's...not much of a celebration. At least he has company! Sort of.

 Merry...birthday? Happy...Christmas? Oh, well. :\

This marks the END of the request segment of my Sketch-a-Day Challenge.  I have to be honest and say that I am SO glad to be done with it.  It's not that I didn't like it, but 25 days proved to be WAY too long to request requests!  I ran out of requests pretty quick and had to ask for more!  I did just about every request suggested to me, and for that, I'm very proud. I think, if I ever do requests again, it will definitely be a shorter period of time. 

There were days I just wanted to draw whatever I wanted, but didn't have the chance because it was the request segment.  It was a LITTLE creatively stifling in THAT regard, but otherwise, it was REALLY an interesting challenge.  This exercise forced me to try things I'd never done before, use reference, and consider all kinds of different aspects.  It was really a GREAT challenge (within the challenge...yo dawg...).  I really learned a lot.

Thanks, SO MUCH to EVERYONE who requested a drawing.  I'm so glad I got to give these little sketches as gifts to you, and I hope you enjoyed them.  I have only 6 days left, 6 drawings until I successfully finish the challenge.  From here on out, it's whatever I want to draw.  I can't wait to see if I make it to the new year.  I'm very excited and SO GLAD that many of you helped me get this far with your unique and challenging requests.  Thank you so much. 

And of course, thanks for this final request, Steph!


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