Saturday, December 22, 2012

SADC: Request! My Cousin Vinny

The original request was from my friend, Ryan, who asked for, "...some characters from My Cousin Vinny: the Judge (on the bench looking irate), Vinny (looking tired and sullen in the red suit), Mona Lisa Vitto (doing the "biological clock is ticking like this" gesture), and Mr. Trotter (the prosecuting lawyer)."

Unfortunately, I did not leave enough space for "Mr. Trotter", but I managed to fit the other three on the page.

Ryan's been waiting awhile for this one, but since there were so many characters in such specific poses all based off of real life people, I wanted to give a little time to it to make sure they came out looking as requested. So, I appreciate your patience! Sorry I couldn't get to Mr. Trotter.

Thanks for the request, Ryan!

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