Thursday, February 10, 2011

SADC: Clockwork + Digital Painting

YET ANOTHER stipulation of my Sketch-a-Day Challenge, as a whole, is working a blueline undersketch before creating the final drawing. This is something I'm just getting used to. I prefer doing my undersketches in blue, it doesn't confuse me so much when I'm cleaning it up. I just wanted to mention that as...I believe these are SLIGHTLY less sketchy than last year.

This time we have Clockwork. A girl who can stop time. She speaks in "internet memes" so everything she says is some sort of reference or another. I decided that the most APPROPRIATE pose for someone like this would be with an internet meme. Thus my first (and hopefully last) drawing of some one caramelldansen. I think it's more of an anime thing and it's a little old...but I still think it counts as a meme and, therefore. Viola.

Clockwork's Bio

Also, at about midnight this past night...morning...I worked on my FIRST EVER digital painting. My best friend's been doing a lot of it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was a reference-less speed painting the took an hour, hour and a half to finish. Here're the results:

Annnnd a closeup on the eyes. Cause they're really the best part:

Ta. Da.

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