Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SADC: Evanesce

This is Evanesce, the final in the parade of brunette females who can turn invisible. This one's a "villain" though. She seems like she's just rejected from society. She's got this skin condition that are like scales. She's one of the only OCs with a physical mutation of some kind. The challenge with her and Imagica was to make them not look like one another. They have about the SAME features and the same lengthed hair...if Evanesce didn't have scales, I'm not sure they'd be so easy to tell apart. What's funny is that they have POLAR OPPOSITE personalities and are roommates in the competition. XD Besides posture, clothing, and personality, I'm not sure if I acheived the make-them-look-different goal.

Evanesce's Bio

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